Us Population Density Map 2025. Chart and table of u.s. In the year 2025, the world is projected to have a population density of 62.8 (people/km²).

Population density from 1950 to 2024. Explore this interactive map of population density by state and county, and compare it with other countries.
Race Alone 2, Not Hispanic.
In the year 2025, the world is projected to have a population density of 62.8 (people/km²).
Census Bureau’s 2020 Census Demographic And Housing Characteristics.
Population aged 65 and over;
The Population Density Of The U.s.
Images References :
(In English Only, For Now) Aids Estimated Deaths.
This map shows the population density in the united states in.
California's Population Grew In 2023, Halting 3 Years Of Decline, State Estimates.
America’s 328 million people are spread across a huge amount of territory, but the population density of various regions is far from equal.
The Northeastern Region Of The U.s.